Tuesday, May 17, 2011

23. Exoplanet near Gliese 581 star 'could host life'

Artist's impression of Gliese 581c

A red dwarf star 20 light-years away is again providing hints that it hosts the first definitively habitable planet outside our Solar System. Robin Wordsworth, a member of the team from the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace in Paris, said that the findings were further evidence that the sheer variety of planets and environments far outpaced that which we see in our own Solar System. Dr Wordsworth said that the simulations are tantamount to a first definitive claim for a habitable exoplanet.

Now, French researchers have run computer simulations of the planet's atmosphere, arguing that it is likely to contain high concentrations of carbon dioxide. They contend that conditions could be suitable for oceans of liquid water as well as clouds and rainfall. If we find water on that planet, we can make oxygen and to make a fake atmosphere as well. The only thing is we will find water no nor. I think this observation will be a turning point on the space studying, because we won't be live on the earth forever, because the resources that we are using now is decreasing every day; therefore we have to find another "earth" in the future, and move to that "earth" in the final. 


22. I.M.F. Chief May Claim Consensual Sex as a Defense

As Dominique Strauss-Kahn,the managing director of the International Money Fund, spent his first full day on Rikers Island, the hotel housekeeper who accused him of sexual assault was struggling with what her lawyer said was a life upended by the case. The woman, 32, a widowed immigrant from Guinea who was granted asylum seven years ago, has not been publicly identified and has made no public statements about what prosecutors have charged was an attack by Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a 62-year-old Frenchman, as she prepared to clean his hotel room on Saturday.

First of all, this incident will for the IMF to bring a lot of uncertainty. Kahn Mired trouble may accelerate the IMF reforms. Unless he soon clear his name, otherwise the IMF will quickly launch new leader. Although successor unlikely from Europe debt crisis immediately problem, but the new President out (even the europeans) will be a crisis after the leaders. Era this kind of thinking mode are likely to make the IMF to poorer countries common undervalued exchange rate and capital control measures, and more tolerant to try to evade the excessive debt and reform not thoroughly richer countries is more severe. Outside originally expected kahn will resign from the IMF chief duties to the French presidency, the parties have just europeans whether can keep arguing over presidency. In Brazil, China, India and Russia will enter to the international monetary fund group among top 10 shareholders, therefore, these countries recently have repeatedly called for emerging market countries should master greater discourse. Secondly, the IMF is Europe debt crisis in solving the efforts, Kahn incident may weaken the productive activities. The European Union in kahn is finance ministers in Brussels, seeking approval for the EU and the IMF provided for Portugal to 780 million euros aid plan, and to discuss further aid Greece measures. This is all Kahn turned out to be the discussion, in their position determines his in help solve Greece, Ireland and Portugal in the process of financial crisis key figures. The French international radio quoted analysts words, European leaders meet no opposition, the IMF, and gets stuck and as the French Kahn could play the role of stability. If oliver Kahn is leaving, will affect the eurozone's decision, eurozone economic recovery will slow. The guardian. Kahn was arrested, caused the IMF leadership vacuum in the euro-zone debt investors will aggravate the crisis conditions worries, and probably lead to European stocks vibrations substantially.


Monday, May 16, 2011

21. Space Shuttle Endeavour Is Readied, Once Again, for Its Final Launching

The space shuttle Endeavour lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on Monday for its final mission.

 NASA made final preparations for the launching of the shuttle  endeavor bouron a mission to the International Space Station, confident that it had fixed an electrical problem that grounded the spacecraft two weeks earlier. Officials reported no new major technical glitches but were keeping an eye on the weather, saying there was a chance that low clouds or high winds could postpone the launching. The mission, which is expected to last 16 days, will be the 134th and next to last in the 30-year shuttle program, with only a flight by the Atlantis, scheduled for this summer, remaining.

On May 15, Kennedy space center in Florida, space shuttle endeavour ready, is scheduled to launch on 16 local time earlier. Endeavour on April 29, scheduled for the first 25 times executive also the last mission to the international space station, send used to find the dark matter, because a control CiPuYi alf power supply switch box of fault and several degrees postponed. After the flight endeavour will be announced his retirement, this also is the U.S. space shuttle flight. The second countdown Atlantis on final flights in June, the United States almost 30 years after the space shuttle era will be officially ends. America contribute to the world a lot that their technology on the space experience; because of th economic depression which was happened in U.S these few years. NASA decided that space shuttle era will be officially ends after this time. 


Thursday, May 12, 2011

20. Bin Laden Is Dead, Obama Says

President Obama announced late Sunday that Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, was killed in a firefight during an operation he ordered Sunday inside Pakistan, ending a 10-year manhunt for the world’s most wanted terrorist. American officials were in possession of his body, he said.

This man let every people around the world be afraid of terrorist threat. Since "9.11" accent, American has always been to attack the countries in the middle-east, for catching Osama bin Laden back to America. As we can see, this event is a war between a country and a man. However, whatever how strong America is, how many soldiers have America sent to middle-east, how much money that America paid for spy who is trying to get any information about Osama bin Laden. They never catch him during this ten years. Although, there is huge distance between the power of America and Osama, Osama always do the miracles that American cannot image. Now, Osama is dead, the final victory is belongs  to American.  American did a very good job to all the people around the world, because they killed the biggest leader of the terrorist in the world. I think Osama is as same as Hitler in the some way, they were getting many achievement on their leadership, they were a good leader, but they are not using their talent on a good way. So, that is why they were killed.
