Thursday, May 12, 2011

20. Bin Laden Is Dead, Obama Says

President Obama announced late Sunday that Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, was killed in a firefight during an operation he ordered Sunday inside Pakistan, ending a 10-year manhunt for the world’s most wanted terrorist. American officials were in possession of his body, he said.

This man let every people around the world be afraid of terrorist threat. Since "9.11" accent, American has always been to attack the countries in the middle-east, for catching Osama bin Laden back to America. As we can see, this event is a war between a country and a man. However, whatever how strong America is, how many soldiers have America sent to middle-east, how much money that America paid for spy who is trying to get any information about Osama bin Laden. They never catch him during this ten years. Although, there is huge distance between the power of America and Osama, Osama always do the miracles that American cannot image. Now, Osama is dead, the final victory is belongs  to American.  American did a very good job to all the people around the world, because they killed the biggest leader of the terrorist in the world. I think Osama is as same as Hitler in the some way, they were getting many achievement on their leadership, they were a good leader, but they are not using their talent on a good way. So, that is why they were killed.

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