Wednesday, February 9, 2011

6. Korea Talks Ended Abruptly Without Any Ease in Strains

Military discussions between North and South Korea ended on Wednesday with no improvement in their badly strained relations and no agreement about whether to hold more substantive talks in the future. A Defense Ministry official in Seoul said the talks ended abruptly at 2:30 p.m. when the North Korean delegation “unilaterally walked away from the table and out of the meeting room.” South Korea's defense ministry officials say the meeting also failed to decide the next round of talks work schedule. Both sides is high level for military talks issues, and finally intercedes wide divergence.

In China, there is a poem which is about the relationship between brothers, because inheriting crown, the old brother was planning to kill his own brother. I think North Korea and South Korea was a country, but split to two countries now. Although there are many problems between these two countries, such as the conflict happened just a few months ago. How to solve the relationship between these "brothers", it is up to them, does not need others "people" to help them.

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