Wednesday, February 16, 2011

8. Berlusconi to Face Trial in Underage Prostitution Case

A Milan judge on Tuesday ordered Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to stand trial in April on charges of paying an under-age girl for sex and abuse of office, dealing the most serious blow to his leadership in the 17 years that he has dominated Italian politics. In a brief statement, the judge said the trial would start on April 6. Mr. Berlusconi faces charges that he paid for sex with Karima el-Mahroug, then an under-age nightclub dancer nicknamed Ruby Heart-Stealer, and that he abused his office to help release her from police custody when she was detained for theft. The scandal has dominated political debate in Italy for months.

We can see the corruption of government, even the prime minister of Italian could involved in the prostitution case. Hope the government of Italian beware on these case will happen again. For the leader of a country, you have responsibility to make a good image to your citizens; and also you have to do something that is very good to your citizens. As you can see, when this case appeared, Italian is very disappointed about their government. When the country's election is coming, citizens won't vote to the party which Silvio Berlusconi used be in. That is why this case is making a really bad influence to his party and the government of Italy.

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