Tuesday, March 8, 2011

10. Even in Wealthy Town, Schools Feel Pinch

This wealthy New York suburb prides itself on its public schools. Class sizes are small. Students can choose from an array of subjects not offered everywhere. Teacher pay ranks among the nation’s highest. And voters long approved high real estate taxes to pay for it all. But even here — as in other affluent enclaves — corners are being cut, bringing home the wrenching debate that has caused turmoil in so many other communities. What some really fear is that the cuts will continue. 

According to this news, the great depression strongly effected American society, even in the school. As we know, schools always have money to operate because public schools can get money from government for operation. However, the depression happened again; therefore, all the western countries are in a big problem. Therefore, schools cannot get any funding from government. Now, I really hope that Americans can walk out the shadow of depression as they did in the 1920s. 


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