Friday, March 18, 2011

15. Dozens of Protesters Are Killed in Yemen

Yemen’s pro-democracy protests exploded into violence on Friday, as government supporters opened fire on demonstrators in this capital, killing at least 45 people and wounding more than 200. The bloodshed failed to disperse the angry throng of tens of thousands of protesters, the largest seen so far in a month of demonstrations calling for the ouster of President Ali Abdullah SalehMr. Saleh declared a state of emergency shortly after the shootings, denying that security forces had been involved and promising a full investigation. The state news agency said the state of emergency would last 30 days.

Since the protests happened in Egypt, some of Africa country have started to do the same thing as what was just happened in th Egypt in February.  Ten thousands of Yemeni request Mr. Saleh quit office. A lot of protests gathered near the University of Sana's square.  Yemen security forces opened fire on demonstrators, to stop them from marching, causing the square killed at least 41 people. After the incident, yemen's interior minister MaSuLi put the toll at 25, and announced a curfew. This incident just like what PLA did to Chinese university students in June 4th, 1989. Because of the difference from system of countries, that is why demonstration is always happened. The problem is what kind of way should government use for stopping the demonstration. As this case, Yemen forces fired on their own country's people, this is why others country has started opposed Yemen's action.

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